
Leagues are now forming - Rosters are due April 5, 2024!!

Spring Leagues start Friday April 19, 2024

All players play a 3-game series from Friday to Wednesday each week. You must have a Silver Strike Bowlers card or Credit card/debit card to play. You can play ahead or even play all weeks at one time. You play at your favorite home location every week. Players do not have to play together. League fees are $6 a person and are deposited into the bowling machine each week. League is handicapped as 90% of 240.


Find out how to compete against anyone, regardless of skill level, and see who the big rollers are. You can also follow us on Facebook to keep up-to-date with the latest stats and standings, and be a part of the party!


Fill out the form below, choose the Venue and League Type, and we’ll make sure that you are registered to play.

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