
Our Pool Leagues are returning soon!

We have leagues in several different areas. Fall leagues will start in September!

Leagues with 8 or more teams will have a $500 Bonus Tournament at the end of the league!

NexGen Leagues qualify you for:
*IAMOA Indiana State Pool Tournament
*OCMA Ohio State Team Dart Championships
*VNEA World Pool Championships

New start times will be 7 p.m.

Registration dates TBA


The game is on! Keep track of how you’re stacking up against the competition. You can also follow us on Facebook to keep up-to-date with the latest stats and standings, and be a part of the party!


Planning a Tournament?

Download any of our brackets below and let the competition begin!

8 Player Double Elimination
16 Player Double Elimination
32 Player Double Elimination
64 Player Double Elimination
128 Player Double Elimination


If you already have a team, simply fill out form below, choose the Venue and League Type, and we’ll make sure that you are registered to play.

If you’d like to join a league and need to be matched with other players, contact us. We’d be glad to match you up with a league in your area.